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The excerpts concern many ofthe different kinds of suggestions previously outlined. Some [of whom] burnfake money as an offering to the gods” (Ang 2003); a widespread rumor inChina that smoking prevented SARS (Mackay 2003); that drinking mungbean juice made people impervious to the disease (“China vs SARS: A GoodDog Is a Dead Dog” 2003); drinking teas made from (1) Banglangen (Isatisroot), (2) Hu Zhang (Polygonum cuspidatum), (3) ginseng, (4) Tremellafuciformis (white fungus or silver ear mushroom), (5) chrysanthemum, and(6) Andrographis (Dresser 2004); drinking a concoction for seven to tendays that required boiling ten grams of dead silkworms and ten grams ofcicada skins in water with five herbs for twenty minutes (Dresser 2004); thathaving the Ace of Spades with Saddam Hussein’s face on it would keep awaySARS (“Bouncin’ Around: SARS” 2005); etc. The physiologic elastic workof breathing is the triangular-shaped area subtended bythe compliance curves (diagonal lines). Absorption isfaster after intranasal spray, but bioavailabilityremains almost the same

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